Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and The Bookish.This is my first time joining a meme by The Broke and The Bookish and I'm pretty excited with this weekly meme, though I have many books I'm thankful I guess I need to narrow it down to only tens. So, without further ado, let's dug into my Top Ten list.
1. Anna and the French Kiss, Lola and the Boy Next Door & Isla and the Happily Ever After by Stephanie Perkins
These three books are the reason I start to get into reading again. To be exact, reading an English book after so long leaving them behind. It's all started with Anna and the French Kiss. It's a lovely book but after rereading it again, there are some aspects that I didn't realize at first and it's kind of bothering me. I will talk about this in another post. Anyhow, Lola and the Boy Next Door & Isla and the Happily Ever After is a cute, fluffy contemporary romance story which I enjoy.

Ahh this series. It's all started with when I received an e-book. A gift I won from giveaway organized by a Book Blogger whom I knew. I'm falling in love with Forget Tomorrow right away and craving for more and luckily, I have been invited to join a Blog Tour for Seize Today hence, I got the chance to read the second book (Remember Yesterday) in a month!
I really really love how the support that received by Isla Rush from the group she participated in. Joining a Breakup Support group has changed her life. The most important thing in this book it shows how her family always supports in every way they can and a group of friend that truly has a warm heart. I'm thankful that I got the chance from the author to read this book.
5. Firebird Series by Claudia Gray (A Thousand Pieces of You, Ten Thousand Skies Above You, & A Million Worlds With You)
As I have mentioned to you, I have always always and always been around with contemporary genre, never have any intention to read other than the favourite genre but times change, my curiosity has taken away my liking genre into trying another genre which I never felt regret at all. Firebird series has open my heart to read a science fiction genre. Again, you need to read this series because we are talking about time travel, I mean wandering into many other dimensions, who doesn't want that, don't you?
It's an eye-opener which has makes understood about how they feel and every other thing. A compilation letters from young adults aged between 17-24 writing a letter to their 16 years old self which they are talking about their experiences in mental health issues and giving an honest advice for themselves which I think it is a wonderful idea. Letting them all know, they never alone.
Pillow Thoughts is a poetry book and it is my first time reading it (not counting that literature we learned at school because I don't pay much attention during the time 😓). Anyhow, I enjoy the reading this poetry book as it written wonderfully that has punch straight to my heart.
A diverse read with Muslims girl as the main protagonist. Do I have to say more? It's an amazing story! You have to have it when it comes out in February 2018!
9. To All The Boys I've Loved Before series by Jenny Han (To All The Boys I've Loved Before, P.S. I Still Love You & Always and Forever, Lara Jean)
Needless to say, my all-time favourite contemporary genre with an Asian girl as the main character.
10. The First Kiss Hypothesis by Christina Mandelski
A book I read recently has made my heart flutter. From best friend to a lover, it just what I love to read.
There you go my Top Ten Books I'm Thankful For made my heart melt into reading them also has open my hearts trying reading a new genre which I never thought I would ever love it.
Anyway, see you in my next post.
Fatina xx
What is the book(s) that you thankful for?
menarikla.. i used to love reading and had quite a collection of books.. tapi pindah sana sini buku entah kemana and idk why sekarang tak rajin membaca =/
ReplyDeleteI love so many of these! I am nearly finished with The Breakup Support Group and I already know it's going to be reread material for me. As for the rest, I love A Court of Thorns and Roses SO MUCH. It surprised me. Lara Jean is one of my favourite YA contemporary characters (actually, YA or fiction in general) and I loved the Anna/Lola/Isla series so much. Great list.
ReplyDeletei love you! i mean the you that reads a lot and reviewed a lot of books. im jealous.
ReplyDeletefeel free to join here
Alahai, Fatina.... Jeles nya akak bila awak review banyak buku, huhu.. Nak buat gitu jugak tapi ber huhuhu la dulu..
ReplyDeleteall books in the list above , semua Nadia tak pernah baca lagi. Jenny Han dah ada ebook nya lama dlm ibook tapi tak baca2 hahaha.
ReplyDeleteBut, I really look for Sadia book. Tak sabar nak next year . =)
<3 <3 <3 worth to be thankful books <3 <3 Aww I miss reading. hehe.
ReplyDeletewow.. you are really a bookworm.. even i still do not finish my reading on books i bought.
ReplyDeletewow.. you are really a bookworm.. even i still do not finish my reading on books i bought.
alaa akak shikin, boleh! Sebulan baca satu buku and review satu pon okay :)
ReplyDeleteJenny Han, buku dia sweet sweet terasa muda remaja bila baca bukunya hehe :D
ReplyDeleteNadia, boleh purchase kat sini buku Sadia tu :)
reading are way to makes my mind wander somewhere else hehe :)
ReplyDeleteOh..may I know, what is the title of the book? :)
No way! Shouldn't be jealous with me because you can, too!! :D
ReplyDeleteDah ada jual ek dkt situ . Yeay boleh beli . Thanks fatina =)
ReplyDeleteI know right! The Breakup Support Group is definitely what I'm so looking forward in a book and here we got it! It's really wonderful, I'm going to pick up again might be before new years :D ACOTAR is really something, it's.. I don't know what words shall I describe but it's amazing!
ReplyDeleteLara Jean's series and Anna/Lola/Isla series are just the best :D
Thank you, Jessica! <3
nooo... :( it's okay maybe you can try to start reading slowly again :)
ReplyDeleteYAY! <3
ReplyDeleteGet back to reading again, please :D