False Witness by Karin Slaughter | Review


False Witness by Karin Slaughter

False Witness by Karin Slaughter
Publisher: Harper Collins
Publication Date: June 24th, 2021
Genre: Mystery, Thriller
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Source: Thank you Times Read for the review copy in return for an honest review
Rating: 3.5


Leigh Collier has worked hard to build what looks like a normal life. She’s an up-and-coming defense attorney at a prestigious law firm in Atlanta, would do anything for her sixteen-year-old daughter Maddy, and is managing to successfully coparent through a pandemic after an amicable separation from her husband Walter.

But Leigh’s ordinary life masks a childhood no one should have to endure … a childhood tarnished by secrets, broken by betrayal, and ultimately destroyed by a brutal act of violence.

On a Sunday night at her daughter’s school play, she gets a call from one of the firm's partners who wants Leigh to come on board to defend a wealthy man accused of multiple counts of rape. Though wary of the case, it becomes apparent she doesn't have much choice if she wants to keep her job. They're scheduled to go to trial in one week. When she meets the accused face-to-face, she realizes that it’s no coincidence that he’s specifically asked for her to represent him. She knows him. And he knows her. More to the point, he may know what happened over twenty years ago, and why Leigh has spent two decades avoiding her past.

Suddenly she has a lot more to lose than this case. The only person who can help is her younger, estranged sister Callie—the last person Leigh would ever want to drag into this after all they’ve been through. But with the life-shattering truth in danger of being revealed, she has no choice...


TW: violence, pedophile, child abuse, sexual assault, drug abuse

I'm definitely a thriller junkie. I'm excited to read another thriller/mystery book. It is my first reading of a thriller novel written by Karin Slaughter. I heard many great things about her other book so, my curious instantly uprise.

False Witness is a story of two sisters, Leigh and Callie who hold a dark secret. In the past, they had done something really terrible but no, they are not a wicked person. Leigh is a defense attorney and it happens to be she took a case for a person name Anthony. They both knew each other and the thing is he knows what had happened 20 years ago. 

Wow! It is an intense thriller novel I have read for this year and quite disturbing. The fact that Slaughter keeps me guessing on and on which makes me sit tight to know what will happen next. It is really a page-turner. I knew many people mentioned this in their review which I agreed to it on mentioning Covid when I want to forget about it for a while. So, it is quite annoying, to be honest. 

Despite that, I like how Slaughter slowly reveals the secret of each of the characters which intrigued me. It was a shock to know, yes but throughout my reading I kind of feeling exasperated. Not sure because of the long chapter or it is because of the characters. I think it is because of the characters. None of them is likable at all but I think that is what makes the reader engage with the story better. I was annoyed with Leigh defending Anthony when we know Anthony is in fact, guilty. Callie, sometimes she made a bad decision. Anyhow, this is a pretty decent thriller. I can't say I enjoy much with the book but it is okay and I kinda like it.