The Gifts That Bind Us by Caroline O'Donoghue | ARC Review


The Gifts That Bind Us by Caroline O'Donoghue

The Gifts That Bind Us by Caroline O'Donoghue 
Sequel:  All Our Hidden Gifts #2
Publisher: Walker Books
Publication Date: February 3rd, 2022
Genre: YA, Fantasy
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Source: Thank you Pansing for the review copy
Rating: 3.5


A spellbinding supernatural teen drama - and sequel to All Our Hidden Gifts.

Maeve and her friends have revealed their powers and banded together as a coven: Roe can pick locks, Lily sends sparks flying, Maeve can read minds and Fiona can heal any injury.

And even better than their newfound talents? Roe and Maeve are officially an item.

But with strange things happening at school, and old enemies appearing in new places, it soon becomes clear their powers are attracting all the wrong attention. It's not long before Maeve's gift start to wane, drained by someone - or something - that's hiding even from her second sight...

The brilliant second installment in the Hidden Gifts series, with further titles to come.


The first book in the series piqued my interest, and I couldn't wait to get started on the second. In this second book, all the characters are back. I can't wait to see what they bring to the table and what challenges they will face. As for The Gifts That Bind Us, more focus on the development of the characters, which sometimes I do have a problem with Maeve. There are some parts that really get on my nerves. I mean, she is having a hard time, so I will give her that. Fiona is more on the neutral side. She is cool. I find that Lily is a little bit strange in this scenario, possibly because of what happened in the first instalment and then with Roe, who is now in college. Despite everything, I love them just the same.

Let's talk about the pace. I find that it has such a slow pace that at times I feel like I want to skip everything to know what is going to happen next. However, by doing that, it will mean I will not know the whole story, am I right? I strongly suggest you read the first book before moving on with this. But some say it can be read as a stand-alone. I don't know if for me it is better to read the first book. Honestly, even though I have read the first book, I still feel lost somewhere in the book. It sometimes takes me a while to understand what situation they are in. It was a little bit complicated with the situation they are in. Or is it just me who is confused all the time? Well, maybe.

Every one of them has their own magic skills. Each needs to understand how to use it and how to control it. In which they will all be practising as much as they can to be able to control it better. I do enjoy seeing them practising and bonding together. Despite all that, their friendship is actually at stake. There are too many things to handle and focus on now that they are all grown up and have a path that they want to take.

The Gift That Binds Us has an interesting yet complex plot. The complexity of the characters actually feels so real. We were all once teenagers, so we do understand how things are at that age, right? All that being said, I actually much prefer the first book, All Our Hidden Gifts. It is my favourite one. I do like this second book; I do, but not as much as the first one. Don't get me wrong, as I can't wait to see what will happen in the next instalment.