Nothing More To Tell by Karen M. McManus


Nothing More To Tell by Karen M. McManus

Nothing More To Tell by Karen M. McManus
Publisher: Penguin Books
Publication Date: September 1st, 2022
Genre: YA Mystery, Thriller
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Source: Times Read
Rating: 4.5⭐
From the internationally bestselling author of Netflix's hottest new show, One of Us is Lying, comes a new, page-turning thriller . . .

True crime can leave a false trail.

Four years ago, Brynn left Saint Ambrose School following the shocking murder of her favourite teacher. The case was never solved, but she's sure that the three kids who found Mr. Larkin's body know more than they're telling, especially her ex-best friend Tripp Talbot. He's definitely hiding something.

When Brynn gets an internship working on a popular true-crime show, she decides to investigate what really happened that day in the woods. But the further she dives into the past, the more secrets she finds.

Four years ago someone got away with murder. Now it's time to uncover the truth . . .

'Given that her high-school-based murder mysteries read like bingeworthy Netflix dramas, it's easy to see why queen of teen crime Karen McManus is a bestseller on both sides of the Atlantic' - Observer


I have almost completed mystery/thriller series by Karen M. McManus except 1 book I have not yet purchase (will do soon, I hope). I having a great time reading another fascinating thriller. A gripping and an engaging story enough for me stay tight in seat for the whole time. It annoys me in a good way, of course, has me guessing all the time and pinning on potential suspects around the story. My guesses were wrong. Although it did but that came out late.

A murder mystery story that is well executed. But it is not that to extend towards mind-blowing. Nevertheless, it is still a good one. I enjoy the pace. Not too fast and too slow, it is moderately okay for a mystery book. It was told in dual perspective which is to get along with it. It feels like you get to know what is in their mind through the investigations and whatnot. I have to say, Tripp annoys me for the most part.

The most part I like from the book is that how they uncover the secrets and find those clues along the way, in addition, to the twist I never saw thought it had. Despite how much I love the story, I’m a bit frustrated with the ending and how it felt unresolved and hanging. I wish it has a close deal. Hopefully, there will be a sequel for this one. Anyway, it is still a compelling story an unputdownable read. I really enjoy my time reading the book.