What's on my iPhone?!


what's on my iphone

Tonight, I would like to share with you, What's on my Iphone? My iphone's applications might a little bit dull but hopefully it would still like giving you some ideas on what kind apps or wallpaper you might want. hiks. Let's dig in! :D 

what's on my iphone

Before I start, I'm using an iPhone 6 with 16gb in Gold colour. It is almost two years, I think since I bought the phone. I was too excited because this were my first iPhone that I have and still excited using it. hihi Before this, I'm using a samsung S3. Without further due, let me show you my phone first page? Page? I don't know what it supposed to be called, let just me called it as a page. Well, basically, it just some iPhone basic apps except the P.D apps is about my Period Tracker and also Dropbox to make sure my phone has an ample space for me capture more picture. You know, it is only 16gb. Fuhh.

I think the apps that I really use every day are Notes. To jot some important notes, to share some private thought about something and even using it as too write the grocery stuff that I should buy whenever I go to the supermarket, since, I tend to forget, what should I buy whenever I reach at Supermarket. I even annoyed with myself hahaha

Other than that, of course camera is important! To take selfies or capture something amazing! hihi Also, the apps store kind of important to me, as I want to know what apps are on free app of the week. But there is another website you can check, that will tell you, what apps has gone free. Here is the website you can check --> appsaga.com

Oh yes as you can see, the wallpaper I'm currently using is pretty cool, isn't it? I think it is a New York city's wallpaper. Hopefully, one day I can visit New York! :D Anyway, I got it from Apple User Group's FB. In that page, they usually share with you some cool wallpapers or apps that you can download or if you have encounter some problem, they will be there to give you some helps and advice too! 

what's on my iphone

As in Extra's folder are full of another iPhone basic apps that I rarely use. Hence, I need to put in a folders because I don't like to see my phone in a mess. Its really irritated. Let's moving to the next page which is my last page. I have only two page in my iPhone, anyway. :)

what's on my iphone

Here you go, the page that has the apps that I have downloaded. Let's go through, one by one of the apps.

1. Instagram

Of course, it is one of the apps that I love so much! I have been using it since the first week they launch it! Yup, way too long. To be honest, it was supposed to be, more than 2000 pictures in my instagram account but I have deleted most of the pictures that now it only have less than 200 pictures in it. Hihi You may follow my instagram if you want, since my instagram is private. :)

2. Whatsapp and Telegram

The only apps that I used to communicate with my Family and Friends. Nowadays, I using more Telegram than Whatsapp. Whatsapp is only for my Family while Telegram is for Friends. Hihi

3. Twitter

The apps which I used to retweet things or like things. or I whenever I thought something, I just share it on my Twitter. You may follow me there, if you want.  

4. Swarm

To check in place! haha I only use it when I think I want to check in just to collect points or sticker. :D

5. Snapchat

I use it to take selfies! Because there are too many cool filters hehe I don't have any friends in Snapchat. To be honest, I don't know how it works actually on how to add friends and stuff. Kinda blur still. I don't know if I should share with you my snapchat ID, since, I don't know how to use it but if you want to, you may ask for my ID and I will give it then! hehe ;O

6. Youtube and Safari

Two importants apps that I used every single day. =) Youtube, I have subscribed a lot of cool youtubers, I'm going to share it in another post of mine later, okay? 

7. Vsco

Of course, to edit my photo's filter! hihi

8. SmartTube and Music D/L

SmartTube apps is only limited to 15 songs. =( I only downloaded songs that I wanted to listened and I need to delete and download another amazing songs just to listen it. While Music D/L is a good apps but some songs were not in it. I still in searching of suitable and fantastic music apps that I could download lots of songs that will give unlimited songs that doesn't need to use internet connection whenever I'm going out. But I have yet found it Because I'm too lazy to connect my phone with my laptop just to put songs in it. Can you suggest if you have found it?

9. PolyVore

 I love love love this apps. Polyvore is basically to discover outfit ideas and style. Its like giving some ideas for us on what kind of outfit you want to have or buy. The apps kinda help me a lot to find what outfit should I buy or wear hehe

10. Crowdfire

Use it to track who has unfollowed me on instagram, so that, I can unfollowed them too. Insert evil eyes. Hahaha

11. Clash of Clans

Been played this game since 2014 and still playing till now. Because my dad and my sister play this game too hahaha So, its like a battle in the house whenever we play COC, since, there is no boys, only dad is the men in the family, hence, we girls play the game with my dad haha

12. Crossword - One Clue Crossword

My favourite. I have finish all the crossword. play this game with my mom! We are competing who is the fastest to finish the game! haha But now, they have not yet, update the new level. Still waiting tho. Hopefully, they can update it as soon as possible!

13. Squaready

To crop the picture into square look to fit in instagram kihkihkih.

Before I forgot, I just want to share with you, if you are like having problem with your apple's product, you may sent your phone to Ifix iOS Studio. I have been sent around 3 gadgets and they have had done a great job on repaired my gadgets. You can check it out their instagram - Ifix iOS Studio, their office in Setia Alam. I guess that's all about What's on my iPhone? I have shared with you, all the apps that I use, the wallpaper and all. I hope this new entry will be enjoyable one. Good night. Till then.



  1. I'm currently using Android, so I'm not really familiar with iPhone.
    But after reading this entry, I think I may wanna try iPhone one day. Huhu

    Salam singgah :)

    1. should give it a try on using iPhone. Its not that complicated anyway!

      Thank you for reading and visiting my blog =)

  2. maybe u can download snapseed..Its a best photo editing ever..wkwkwkw

    1. really? I will download it soon! thank you for the suggestion :D

  3. Replies
    1. I have but I have deleted the apps since I rarely using it hahaha :P

  4. whatssap, IG, & youtube are my daily needs..heheh

    1. it is, isn't it? tanpa 3 apps tuh, boring kita semua kan hehe :D

  5. Nak try install ah app PolyVore tu. Macam best jerr :)

  6. I still wondering when can I get my iPhone... haha

  7. wahhh teringin lak nak guna iphone. :D
    one day lah. hehehe
    btw semua app best2 :D

    1. insha Allah satu hari ye :)
      hehe best kan :D

  8. thank you because give me some inspiration to my apple product :D


  9. yayyy kita sama iphone user hehe. mostly banyak apps yang sama dan alhamdulillah sekarang still setia dengan iphone hehe. thanks for sharing :*

    1. yay! sep sikit :D kita pun sama setia pada iphone je, malas nak tukar yg lain dah hehe your welcome awak =)

  10. 16gb memang tak cukup T_T , menangis nak delete/transfer. hahah .btw, sama , 1 2 3 6 & 7! :)

    1. tau tak apa! T__T sedih gilaa, penat pulak tuh nak kena transfer hehe :D
