It's Time To Discover The Powers.. | Book Review: Scarlet Reign: Malice of the Dark Witch by R.D. Christ

book review

Publisher: ShoRic Publishing
Publication Date: October 15th, 2018
Genre: Young Adult Fantasy, Mystery
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Source: Huge thanks to ShoRic Publishing for providing me a proof copy in exchange for an honest review.


After the unexplainable death of her mother on the eve of Natalie’s fourteenth birthday, she is suddenly forced to grow up. Compelled to leave her dismal and deceptive life behind by a mysterious woman who claims to be an old relative, Natalie carries with her the highly coveted, scarlet stoned ring she reluctantly retrieved from her mother upon her death. 

Following Natalie’s irreversible decision, she unexpectedly finds herself alone and thrust into a peculiar all female orphanage where her arrival was strangely anticipated by the inhabitants, and greeted by some with ire. Ultimately, young Natalie must quickly learn to fend for herself against bullies, unexplained forces, a male suitor, and something lurking for revenge. Does she have both the strength and resolve, and can she set the past aside, to uncover the secrets necessary in order to fulfill her destiny?


So, how should I start my review? Right on the first email, I received from ShoRic Publishing, I was hooked when I read the synopsis of this book like I know I am going to love this novel and will be enjoying it and yes, I am certainly right because this novel is so amazing in many ways. Okay, now let's start on the real deal of this review.

This story is not a typical witch that is bad, evil, fighting humans or whatnot instead it is something different than that. We will see how these people from at a young age who has lost their parents they been sent to an orphan's school where they will learn a lot of things such as learning their powers, ways to control and use the powers, and how to build a spell.

The story follows with Natalie who lost her mother and her Aunt Ava appeared to save her from an evil witch who has been hunt Natalie and together they ran away until both of them been attacked which they have to be part of their ways and Natalie has to find her way on her own until somebody found her bring her to an orphan school where her mother and Aunt Ava went to and there where she will learn and discover her powers also where she met a bunch of wonderful friends.

Right from the beginning of this novel, I could not sit still and been wondering what is going to happen next - all the mystery and suspense makes me feels this way - and not only that, I have been wondering if those people at school were good people or not and I was wrong they are a wonderful people. What makes me feel that way was because there's Ms. Hag who has this mysterious aura and also this another character name Melissa, she keeps on bullying Natalie from the first day, she been there. Well, I hate the character at first but comes to love not only Melissa's annoying character but the whole character in this book and I couldn't get enough of this story.

Overall, the journey I have with Natalie and all the character's in this novel in this fantasy world was so much amazing. After finished reading this novel, I felt like, 'yes this what have been looking for in a fantasy novel!' and I was satisfied but of course, this is not the end of this novel because this is a series and I am definitely looking forward to reading the next book of this Scarlet Reign's series.