Truly Enchanting | Book Review: Legendary by Stephanie Garber

book review

Publisher: Flatiron Books
Publication Date: May 29th, 2018
Is it a series?: Yes, Caraval #2
Buy Links: Kinokuniya Malaysia | MPH Online
Source: Huge thanks to Pansing for providing me a review copy.


A heart to protect. A debt to repay. A game to win.

After being swept up in the magical world of Caraval, Donatella Dragna has finally escaped her father and saved her sister, Scarlett, from a disastrous arranged marriage. The girls should be celebrating, but Tella isn’t yet free. She made a desperate bargain with a mysterious criminal, and what Tella owes him no one has ever been able to deliver: Caraval Master Legend’s true name.

The only chance of uncovering Legend’s identity is to win Caraval, so Tella throws herself into the legendary competition once more—and into the path of the murderous heir to the throne, a doomed love story, and a web of secrets…including her sister's. Caraval has always demanded bravery, cunning, and sacrifice, but now the game is asking for more. If Tella can’t fulfill her bargain and deliver Legend’s name, she’ll lose everything she cares about—maybe even her life. But if she wins, Legend and Caraval will be destroyed forever...

Welcome, welcome to Caraval . . . the games have only just begun.


Legendary is indeed Legendary. I am at awe. I am really impressive with Legendary. It's spectacular!

How shall I begin this? Honestly, this second of Caraval novel - Legendary is definitely compromised of all the things that I was looking for in the first book. In this second book, we have Donatella as the narrator where we get to know her more in-depth and I really love her character and enjoy playing games along with her side except in Legendary, it wasn't a game but it is real. 

In Legendary, the game is not only a game but it is real. 

Donatella, she has a fiery passion, her desire to save her mother, also she knows what she needs to do and she is willingly taking any risks in order for her to accomplish her goals including sacrificing her life. Although, her only things I may not agree with her when she keeps on hiding things from her sister, Scarlett. It is quite frustrating on that part but well, she has her own reason but still. 

While Dante, the handsome guy that makes Donatella's heart skip a beat. Throughout Donatella journey to rescue her mother and other quests, Dante has been by her side all the way helping her although, I'm having a doubt myself on him - the mysterious man - Dante. He is quite annoying but he such a lovable man. Hmm, No wonder Donatella falls for him.

I'm trying my best to avoid any spoiler here so. The world building was magnificent. I couldn't get enough of reading Legendary. I really enjoy and following alongside Donatella and discover lots of things in this sequel. Not only that, when it finally who is the Master Legend, I was personally shocked by it. Never have I imagined the true identity of Master Legend was there since Caraval. My thought was somebody else but it turns out I was wrong though, after long thinking, he is definitely the perfect figure as Master Legend.

Overall, I have been enjoying reading the most enchanting, spectacular story of Legendary. It puts me on the edge throughout the chapter, I couldn't have the second guess because I know I would be wrong and those plot twists in Legendary was really a wow factor of this book. The romance in this sequel is the best. Stephanie Garber, you have really made me feel like I was in the game as an audience watching Scarlett and Donatella and I have to say that, it was great.

To read my review on Caraval, click here.