Nora Goes Off Script by Annabel Monaghan | Book Review


Nora Goes Off Script by Annabel Monaghan

Nora Goes Off Script by Annabel Monaghan
Publisher: Putnam
Publication Date: June 7th, 2022
Genre: Romance, Chick Lit
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Source: Times Read
Rating: 4.5⭐


Nora's life is about to get a rewrite...

Nora Hamilton knows the formula for love better than anyone. As a romance channel screenwriter, it's her job. But when her too-good-to work husband leaves her and their two kids, Nora turns her marriage's collapse into cash and writes the best script of her life. No one is more surprised than her when it's picked up for the big screen and set to film on location at her 100-year-old-home. When former Sexiest Man Alive, Leo Vance, is cast as her ne'er do well husband Nora's life will never be the same.

The morning after shooting wraps and the crew leaves, Nora finds Leo on her porch with a half-empty bottle of tequila and a proposition. He'll pay a thousand dollars a day to stay for a week. The extra seven grand would give Nora breathing room, but it's the need in his eyes that makes her say yes. Seven days: it's the blink of an eye or an eternity depending on how you look at it. Enough time to fall in love. Enough time to break your heart.

Filled with warmth, wit, and wisdom, Nora Goes Off Script is the best kind of love story--the real kind where love is complicated by work, kids, and the emotional baggage that comes with life. For Nora and Leo, this kind of love is bigger than the big screen.


I couldn't help but smile all the way through my reading. I'm definitely a fan of Hallmark's movies. Any of it. I will stay and watch it, sometimes crying if need be. I am very excited to read about Nora in Nora Goes Off Script. Nora is a romance channel screenwriter who writes romance movies for the Romance Channel. more or less like a Hallmark movie. Nora's marriage had fallen apart; her husband left; hence she decided to write a movie based on her life and, without any expectation, her story became an Oscar award-winning movie. She has written the best script of her life. For that movie, the director decided to film it at her house. So, when the final scenes wrap up, she feels so relieved that she finally got her house to herself and the kids. However, the main actor, the former sexiest man alive, Leo Vance, was there, sleeping soundly. I guess you can guess what will happen next, but the love story ain't easy.

The story is really cute. At the same time, he is amusing, emotional, and loving. I loved Nora's character. After what had happened in her marriage's life, she decided to come back stronger. She never gives up, and the most important thing is that she has lovely children to look up to. That really warms my heart. While Leo Vance is an A-list celebrity who makes lots of money, deep down, no one knows what he feels. When he meets Nora, he feels comfortable with her. I love his interaction with Nora's children. It was a little bit frustrating when they lost contact with each other and both continued to make assumptions. Only towards the end do they finally know why and what happened.

With all the giddy feelings I received from the stories, I did find that sometimes the chemistry between the two is a little bit off and they are just way too fast to fall in love. I wish we could know what was in Leo's mind during that empty gap in their relationship. Nevertheless, that won't affect my entire love for this book. A romantic comedy that gives me a reason to have a wide smile during my reading. I love and enjoy the story very much. It gives me joy. If you are looking for a light, romantic comedy, this one should be in your TBR stack.