Life Lately #1: Life + Reading Updates 2023


Life lately #1

Assalamualaikum & Salam Ramadhan to all my muslim friends,

It's a blessed Ramadhan, Alhamdulillah. It's really wonderful that I am now cooking really well as compared to two or three years ago. In fact, I have tried lots of new recipes, and my family loves them, and thats all that matters. 

Last year was a really difficult year not only to me but to my family as well. I wouldn't say we are in a really great but we are better now. Better mind, and better health. Alhamdulillah.

What else? I got my cute red car after waiting for nearly 6 months for it to be here. The waiting game is real man. I have been watching TikTok almost everyday to look for what is best to put in my car. The best dash cam and so many other things. So happy driving my red car to Melaka last month. Lovin' it.

Reading update


I have read 13 books since January. Might not be as many as I plan it to be but all is good. There's no need to be rush dearself. Out of 13 books, my most favourite read is My Flawless Life by Yvonne Woon. You can read my full review here. It was an amazing and unputdownable read. Highly recommended!

My latest read & review 👇

Nocturne by Alyssa Wees

A historical fiction. The story is hauntingly dark and has a kind of sombre tone. It was an intense read. The blurb is really promising, and I was attracted by the book cover, which is really beautiful and it has become the main factor for me to jump right into the story. 3.3⭐

Read my full review here

I have not decide whether this going to be a daily or weekly post. All I know, I do enjoy doing this kind of post. So, I will keep on doing it. I shall see you in my next post.

Fatina xx