Read with Me #1: The Cove by Alice Clark-Platts

The Cove by Alice Clark-Platts
Publisher: Raven Books
Publication Date: April, 2022
Genre: Thriller
Source: Pansing
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Rating: 3⭐

A thriller novel set in Turtle Cove, Malaysia, follows two couples, Lou and Adam, and Eliza and Noah, on vacation together. Everything and everyone were having a nice vacation, having smooth conversations; however, things aren't going to stay the same throughout the vacation. People might see they are a lovely couple, but there is tension building beneath them. One snap later, someone ends up dead.

The story has an alternate POV for each of them. So, it was easy to get a peek at what was on their mind. In terms of the plot, I don't see anything that could keep me interested, and there's no suspense moment at all. What kept me going was the need to know what happened to the couple and how one of them ended up dead. I found that the plot was a bit messy. Because there are small issues scattered around and then what's supposed to be the major one. Character wise? I don't feel a connection to any of them.

All in all, it has a promising premise. I love that it describes the island so beautifully. Anyhoo, I wish I could like this book as much as I could. That being said, it is not a bad read. It's just that it doesn't work well for me.

Thank you Pansing for the review copy in return for an honest review.

1 comment

  1. wahhh buku ada bau kedai ni😀menarikkk
