Read with Me #2: Where the Light Goes by Sara Barnard


Where the Light Goes by Sara Barnard

Where the Light Goes by Sara Barnard
Publisher: Walker Books
Expected Publication Date: May 4th, 2023
Genre: Contemporary
Source: Pansing
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Buy Links: Kinokuniya Malaysia 
Rating: 4.5⭐


A heart-wrenching exploration of grief, set in a landscape corrupted by fame and the scrutiny that comes from living in the shadow of a star.

"Lizzie Beck" is one quarter of British pop sensation The Jinks, who launched their career via a reality TV talent show and rose straight to fame – and in Lizzie’s case, infamy, for her tumultuous relationship with her boyfriend, stints in rehab and candid confessions about her mental health on Instagram.

To Emmy, though, she will always be her older sister, Beth, the person whose footsteps she intends to follow.
Except now she can’t. Because Beth, Emmy's beloved sister, has died by suicide.

Forced to face a world without the guiding light of her bright, brilliant big sister, Emmy must wrestle with the impact of private grief, public scrutiny and discover who she once was and who she will become, now that Beth is gone.


Where the Light Goes is a grievous, heart-wrenching story about Emmy, who lost her only sister. Emmy's life was so colourful; she shared lots of things with her sister, Lizzie, but when Lizzie died, she was lost, angry, and sad, and above all, the media wasn't helping at all. The media only makes things more difficult and hurtful for her. 

This book follows Emmy's journey in the days, weeks, months, and years after her sister passed away to process everything that had happened.

It is a relatable story. I cried reading this, and I can feel the pain from it. It was a well-written and raw story that captured the right emotion. To be honest, it does take a while for me to finish reading it, as it punches right into my heart.

Thank you Pansing for the review copy in return for an honest review.

Where the Light Goes by Sara Barnard

1 comment

  1. emmy dgn lizzie tu tak ada mak ayah ya?
