Read With Me #5: Within These Wicked Walls by Lauren Blackwood


Within These Wicked Walls by Lauren Blackwood

Within These Wicked Walls by Lauren Blackwood
Publisher: Wednesday Books
Publication Date: 7th February 2023
Genre: Fantasy, Horror
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Source: Pansing
Rating: 4.5⭐


I had no idea that the story could creep me out this way. The horror really makes my hair stand on end. I mean, I do enjoy reading horror, but this one is on another level. If we are watching a horror movie, we can hide, but how do we hide ourselves while reading? Andromeda is a debtera, an exorcist. She is hired to cleanse a house from the evil eye that has possessed it and the curse that the owner has. The premise of this story really hooked me right from the beginning, and it seems so hard to put down. Romance is not what I thought would exist in the story; however, it has. I'm amazed that both characters' chemistry is so good. The story has a balance between the main story's horror aspect and romance.

It was really fascinating to follow the process of creating an amulet that will be used to defeat evil. Andromeda has gone through difficulties in life since childhood. The determination she has is really admirable. Although Magnus was the one who Andromeda fell in love with, I found him so annoying at the beginning. He was rude. However, things change afterwards.

I am thoroughly enjoying reading the book. It was an easy story to follow; the balance of horror and love is so good, and I always enjoy the scene when Andromeda is working very hard to vanquish the evil. The horror really gets me. That was one of the huge factors that intrigued me very much. It succeeds in creeping me out.

Thank you Pansing for the review copy in return for an honest review.


Stunningly romantic, Lauren Blackwood's heartstopping Ethiopian inspired Jane Eyre retelling, Within These Wicked Walls, ushers in an exciting and unforgettable fantasy voice.

What the heart desires, the house destroys...

Andromeda is a debtera—an exorcist hired to cleanse households of the Evil Eye. She would be hired, that is, if her mentor hadn’t thrown her out before she could earn her license. Now her only hope of steady work is to find a Patron—a rich, well-connected individual who will vouch for her abilities.

When a handsome young heir named Magnus Rochester reaches out to hire her, she takes the job without question. Never mind that he’s rude and demanding and eccentric, that the contract comes with a number of outlandish rules… and that almost a dozen debtera had quit before her. If Andromeda wants to earn a living, she has no choice.

But she quickly realizes this is a job like no other, with horrifying manifestations at every turn, and that Magnus is hiding far more than she has been trained for. Death is the most likely outcome if she stays, the reason every debtera before her quit. But leaving Magnus to live out his curse alone isn’t an option because—heaven help her—she’s fallen for him.

Within These Wicked Walls by Lauren Blackwood

1 comment

  1. Bila baca horror memang jenuhlah nak sembunyi.. Tapi lagi seram, lagi seronok nak baca..
