Read With Me #4: Chloe and the Kaishao Boys by Mae Coyiuto


Chloe and the Kaishao Boys by Mae Coyiuto

Chloe and the Kaishao Boys by Mae Coyiuto
Publisher: Putnam
Publication Date: 7th March 2023
Genre: YA, Romance, Contemporary
Source: Times Read
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Rating: 4.25⭐


An adorable read that makes me miss my 20s. The age where I experienced my first love, a crush on someone, heartbreak, fun times with friends, and most of all, the college days Reading this book took me back to those memories. Chloe and the Kaishao Boys is a story that begins with Chloe receiving an offer from USC to further her dream studies in animation. Before she leaves Manila for the US, her aunties are planning her debut for her 18th birthday and finding her perfect dates.

The things that I really love in this book are that it portrays the raw and wonderful family dynamics and an amazing friendship. Chloe's character comes across very well, especially when she is torn between furthering her studies and staying in Manila to work for her family business. Her dad is so cute when he keeps posting about Chloe on her social media. The romance story is super adorable! I'm swooning over it.

A heartwarming, witty, and definitely enjoyable read. Mae has written a delightful story. Apart from that, as the characters speak in a mixture of English, Tagalog, and Hokkien, as a reader, it benefits us in learning new words from it. Overall, it is such a relatable story that you won't regret reading Chloe and the Kaishao Boys!

Chloe and the Kaishao Boys by Mae Coyiuto

1 comment

  1. Membaca memang berjaya membuatkan kita mengingati saat-saat yang suda berlalu.. Dunia tulisan yang mampu membawa kita kemana saaja..
