The IT Girl by Ruth Ware | ARC Review


The IT Girl by Ruth Ware
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Publication Date: August 3rd, 2022 (first published: July 12th, 2022)
Genre: Thriller, Mystery
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Source: Pansing
Rating: 3.5⭐


Everyone wanted her life
Someone wanted her dead

It was Hannah who found April’s body ten years ago.
It was Hannah who didn’t question what she saw that day.
Did her testimony put an innocent man in prison?

She needs to know the truth.

Even if it means questioning her own friends.
Even if it means putting her own life at risk.

Because if the killer wasn’t a stranger, it's someone she knows…


Hannah, who has been through a terrifying experience that has affected her whole life, decided to move to Edinburgh to start her new life. The story begins when Hannah is accepted to study at Oxford University. There she met her new charming and popular roommate, named April. They become close together with their other four friends. One night, everything changes. She found her roommate, April, dead. But what had actually happened? Whodunnit? Hannah was called to testify, and she told the police what she had seen that night. Years later, the person who had been convicted of that crime was found dead in jail. Despite that, Hannah doesn't feel good about it. Although she keeps on telling herself that it should be as it should be, her heart doesn't feel good. The nightmare has not ended yet; it has only begun.

The story was told in Hannah's POV with an alternate narrative between before and after. It's simple to follow, though I found it a little confusing at times, but this is a psychological thriller that keeps us guessing and playing with our minds all the time. Hence, the confusion. All the evidence that was thrown into the timeline felt very unusual. That makes Hannah wonder if she has convicted the wrong person. That makes me wonder as well, and I keep on guessing every character in this book. Everyone seems to have a motive. Guess what? I was wrong and shocked to know whodunnit.

It is an engaging thriller that makes you sit tight to know whodunnit and what their motive is. Honestly, I think it's taking me too long to warm up to Hannah's character. The story was well written. I like the thrill and the dark atmosphere in this book, but I don't enjoy the pace, where some of it feels too lackluster. Even so, I find that it is too slow from one chapter to another. It is only towards the end that the pace starts to pick up and the thrill begins.