The Stranded by Sarah Daniels | Book Review


The Stranded by Sarah Daniels
Publisher: Penguin Random House
Publication Date: July 21st, 2022
Genre: YA Science Fiction, Dystopia
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Source: Times Read
Rating: 3.75⭐


A gripping, near-future thriller - The Hunger Games meets Station Eleven, for fans of pacey, disruptive TV, such as the Noughts and Crosses adaptation

Welcome to the Arcadia.

Once a luxurious cruise ship, it became a refugee camp after being driven from Europe by an apocalyptic war. Now it floats near the coastline of the Federated States - a leftover piece of a fractured USA.

For forty years, residents of the Arcadia have been prohibited from making landfall. It is a world of extreme haves and have nots, gangs and make-shift shelters.

Esther is a loyal citizen, working flat-out to have the rare chance to live a normal life as a medic on dry land. Ben is a rebel, planning something big to liberate the Arcadia once and for all.

When events throw them both together, their lives, and the lives of everyone on the ship, will change forever . . .


My first impression when I read the blurb was "oh, this has a vibe like the Ghost Ship movie". Or so I say (because it happened on the ship!). Certainly not a horror, of course but it has a The Maze Runner vibe together with The Hunger games. It definitely makes me excited to jump into the story. The whole story is set on huge ship where everything is existed on the ship. A residential, market, learning center, helipad, lookout and service corridor. The ship is used to be a luxurious cruise ship somehow it became a refugee camp. The reason the people was stranded is because of the virus and no place accepted them hence they are floating for the past 40 years. No one is able to leave the ship.

The story really does have an interesting premise. I’m eager to know their daily life on the ship. As interesting as it seems living on the ship but they do not want to live on the ship forever with the unpleasing rules. They want to escape. A group of people decide to rebel against the federation. The story is told in 3 alternate POVs between Esther, Nik and Hadley. Esther is a medic student who has been dragged to join the rebellion group and need to find a way to save her friend, Nik who has been shot. While Hadley is the leader.

This is by far the most chaotic and it is a mess! As how Esther been dragged to join the rebellion so do I. I have been dragged to follow them all and the situation is so frightening. Despite being so promising by the story, I was lost sometimes in the story. There are times when it is tough to follow the story. I mean there too many things was thrown in the story that was easy to forget and that is when I confuse. I like that it is action packed, it gives us thrill but I think there should be more explanation because it feels like there’s loopholes in the story. Maybe in the next book, I guess? So far, after The Maze Runner and The Hunger Games movie, I haven’t touched any books/movies on dystopian genre. I guess this is an okay read.