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The Stand-up Groomsman by Jackie Lau

 The Stand-up Groomsman by Jackie Lau
Publisher: Berkley Books
Publication Date: October 25th, 2022
Genre: Adult Romance
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Source: Penguin Random House 
Rating: 4⭐


The first book by Jackie Lau was Donut Fall in Love and I like the story although I did find it hard to connected with the two MC. So, yeah. As for this second book, I really do enjoy reading the story. If you have read the first book know that this is the story of Vivian (Lindsay’s roommate) and Mel (Ryan’s good friend). Vivian is working in finance sector while Mel is a comedian. Their first met is not as how Vivian expected to be. The two does not get along that well. The thing is they are now having to cooperate as they both are the bridesmaid and groomsman to their best friend, Lindsay and Ryan.

What I like in this book more than the first one is that this is not a usual relationship. Hating each other than fall in love kind of trope. No, it just not working into that one. Vivian has going through a lot in her life with her family’s problem and her past relationship isn’t working that well. So, to fall in love that easily is not happened her. Mel also facing the same thing as Vivian. His relationship with his family is not that good and even though, he always ends up in a short relationship. Anyhow, he has a strong personality and care for other people. He really cares about Vivian’s feeling. I like the fact that they two might start at a bad foot but they two progress really well.

This is a slow burn and very complex, surprisingly I do enjoy every little thing in the story. The fact that the age gap of siblings is really relatable to me. Just like how Vivian has to babysit her sister that is how I did when they were little. It never easy but I put that as a lesson in my life and try my best to get along with my sibling despite the huge age gap. Things might not be the same to Vivian. I love Vivian’s character as she came out strong and determine with what she wants and with her career. Mel is a funny man, always put a smile on every people’s face.

Overall, I like how Jackie Lau portray the issues that happened in real life into these characters. Its feel alive. How not every relationship is easy as ABC, not as simple as that. The story is full of emotions. It is definitely a heart-warming and splendid story that I enjoy.


A bridesmaid and groomsman put their differences aside to get their friends down the aisle in this opposites-attract steamy romantic comedy.

They say to never meet your heroes, but when Vivian Liao's roommate gets engaged to her favorite actor's costar, she has no choice but to come face-to-face with Melvin Lee again. He's just as funny and handsome as he is on-screen...but thinks she is a snob and a sellout. It's none of his business how she chooses to live her life, no matter how charismatic he is.

Mel is used to charming audiences as an actor and stand-up comedian but can't connect to Vivian. She's a smart, talented artist--which is why he thinks she's wasting her life as a corporate finance drone. The only thing uniting them is their goal for the wedding to go off without a hitch.

As they collaborate on wedding cake and karaoke parties, Mel realizes he might have seriously misjudged this bridesmaid, while Vivian discovers the best man might just be as dazzling off-screen as he is on. With the wedding underway, maybe more than one happily ever after is in the future.

The Author


Jackie Lau decided she wanted to be a writer when she was in grade two, sometime between penning “The Heart That Got Lost” and “The Land of Shapes.” She later studied engineering and worked as a geophysicist before turning to writing romance novels. She is now the author of over a dozen romantic comedies. Learn more online at

credit to J. Mitchell 2021