Run Rose Run by Dolly Parton & James Patterson

Run Rose Run by Dolly Parton & James Patterson


Run Rose Run by Dolly Parton & James Patterson
Publisher: Century
Publication Date: March 7th, 2022
Source: Pansing
Rating: 2.9 ⭐


The book cover is what has had drawn me to pick this book. A woman on the cover, holding her guitar with one dream in hand to become a singer. Leaving her past behind, to move forward to achieve her dream somehow, she has dark secret that seems to haunt her. AnnieLee comes to Nashville with a determination and confident with her beautiful talent and she succeed. Ruthanna, the legendary country singer listens to her singing and decide to take under her wing. However, the past doesn’t leave her easily.

The book has a wonderful story of young girl who dreams big to be in music industry to become a star and also, there’s a sprinkle of mystery/thriller in the story. Country music is my parents’ favourite music to listens to so, I grown up listens to it every now and then but honestly, I have no idea Dolly Parton is a singer until I read this book and listen to her songs. She has an amazing voice. To know this book is related to that; I’m overjoyed, thrill to start reading it.

As I said, it has a wonderful story which it does and I like how it shares about AnnieLee’s passion in singing however, the story becomes too long and tad bit draggy also it seems way to far to get to the suspense and thriller part which I have to say that there’s not much thriller in it. I want to spoil it here but then; I think I shouldn’t. But that really crunches my heart. The ending has leave me unsatisfied. I wish it could be better. I like the characters, the passion that AnnieLee has and the focus on how she struggles to rise to where she is really admirable. All in all, it is a good story but not the thriller part.



From America’s most beloved superstar and its greatest storyteller—a thriller about a young singer/songwriter on the rise and on the run, and determined to do whatever it takes to survive.

Every song tells a story.
She’s a star on the rise, singing about the hard life behind her.
She’s also on the run. Find a future, lose a past.

Nashville is where she’s come to claim her destiny. It’s also where the darkness she’s fled might find her. And destroy her.

Run, Rose, Run is a novel glittering with danger and desire—a story that only America’s #1 most beloved entertainer and its #1 bestselling author could have created.


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